It is less than month left to the grand opening, but first two exhibitions that make part of the festival will be available earlier. On 27 April, at 6 p.m. come to MOCAK (the Museum of Contemporary Art in Krakow) at ul. Lipowa 4, where we will see works by an American artist, Susan Lipper.
In the Grapevine series, she presents her photographs picturing dwellers of a small town in the Appalachian Mountains. Acting unlike the convention would require, she allowed her models to play characters they have created, thus asking what the role of documentary photography is. Susan Lipper’s works will be showed in the Beta Gallery.
That isn’t all! In the Re Gallery, you will have an opportunity to contemplate the memory of sites and the stories told about ourselves by traces found by Diana Lelonek in the area of the Liban quarry and a former concentration camp in Płaszów.
Photo: Susan Lipper, from the Grapevine: 1988–1992 series © Susan Lipper. Courtesy of the artist and Higher Pictures